Don't argue on the internet 🙌
Getting cancelled on Twitter, Web3 Stickers, Giveaway & many more...
Every week, I publish an Essay & 10 interesting things that will help you become healthy, wealthy and wise 👇
Hi 👋 Prado here
Getting cancelled on Twitter
Just 30 mins before boarding the train back home, the news came out that Jack (CEO of Twitter) is stepping down and an Indian will be replacing him.
Joy lit up in my heart that how much Indians are dominating around the globe.
This was an absolute celebration ❤️
When we were in school we used to take pledge every morning
“All Indians are my brothers and sisters”
(Okay sometimes we used to say “All Indians are my brothers and sisters… except one 😂”
Anyway, my point is that we take a pledge but when it comes to seeing someone else winning we argue on the internet rather than celebrating it.
Back to the story. I just boarded the train and hit me that I should list down few companies with Indian CEOs and end it with why people should invest in India rn.
So I wrote this 👇

I wrote this at 11.41PM (usually my tweets die off after 10) but this one went crazy.
After I tweeted it I didn't think much of it. I put on my sleeping bag and started watching the new episode of Succession.
Almost an hour later, I open twitter and I see around 10-20 comments correcting me that it’s not FOUNDERS, it’s CEOs.
Now roll it back.
I was travelling from Bangalore to Pondicherry and the Internet was shaky. It was raining and there was a drunk guy dancing around with my mom getting extremely uncomfortable.
I didn’t get enough time to proofread the tweet plus It was midnight and I really thought nobody would read the tweet.
Here’s what happened next.
I deleted the tweet and went to sleep because the internet was shaky.
I woke up at around 7 and opened Twitter. Guess what?
Because of the bad internet the tweet was still alive.
It was absolute hate in the comments section. Getting slapped left and right because I wrote founder rather than CEO.
The tweet reached over 30k and I thought I should explain what happened.
So I replied with this 👇
The hate didn’t stop. The comments kept pouring.
The part I liked the most is… the hate tweets were from people who don't even follow me.
Cause people who follow me already know that I make mistakes all the time.
Everytime someone commented the tweet reached more places.
Then I said I’m not deleting this tweet. Let haters hate.
I follow only one rule.
“Don’t Argue On The Internet”
I went home took a good nap, got on a call with a potential client and played cricket.
I checked back again at 7 in the evening 👇
Three lessons I want to make from this experience:
Typos and Wrongful facts get more eyes.
There are people who should get a life 👇
3. The entire world will clap for you when your turn comes… until then clap for others 🙌
No matter what the world says, never stop clapping for others.
Why am I sharing this with you?
This is my first experience of getting cancelled on the internet and I wanted to document this.
I felt bad when I said something that reached over 50k people but was factually incorrect.
I’m grateful that I have a kind and understanding community on Twitter that had my back when I was going through stuff.
Don’t argue on the internet. Peace.
10 Interesting things for you 🙌
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Something from my Twitter👇
Interesting Human of the week:-
Picture of the week:- Went to a Web3 Mixer last week. Doing a giveaway of these at the end of the newsletter.
Question of the week:-
Meme of the week:-
Current read: The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss (I’m also looking for a person who can help me manage everything. More of a right hand and less of a manager/secretary. P.S: It’ll be paid.
Quote of the week:
“A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with huge noise. Destruction has noise, creation is quiet. This is the power of silence. Grow silently. Grow strong.” - Confucius
(Tweet this quote)“If you’re worried about being copied, your speed of innovation is too slow.” - Read this on Reece Wabara’s tweet.
(Tweet this quote)“Buy nice or buy twice.” - Reddit user answered this when someone asked "Turning 33, what’s something (materialistic) every guy should buy himself in his 30s?"
(Tweet this quote)
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