Hi 👋 Prado here
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Every Wednesday, I publish one essay & 10 interesting things that will help you become healthy, wealthy and wise 👇
Twift.xyz - Send Bulk DMs on Twitter without wasting hours
I’m a person who loves spending time on Twitter over any other social media. It has given me a lot and one of the best and the worst part is Twitter’s DMs. It’s a big mess.
I had put out this tweet👇 and I was not expecting so many people to reply to it. 1.7k people.

Usually, I get around 50-100 replies and I copy-paste the message to them all.
I soon realised I will not be able to DM them all. I need help.
Just a few days before this tweet, I had come across a project by one of my Twitter followers called SuperDMs.
When that project came out, I was so happy to see it.
I had given them some feedback and shared a few ideas and questions too. I had even offered to help make the project a success because I want to solve this problem that bad.
But the conversation got cold and they never got back. But again I was happy with the product that there is something out there that can help save me lots of time.
Back to the tweet.
I put out the tweet, 1.7k people replied. What next?
Something went wrong and I can’t send DMs now. In my mind, I was like “that’s it I’m f*#ked”
If I gave my word that I’ll DM, then I have to.
I was thinking about what to do and another Twitter friend of mine slides in DMs.
There was a small ray of hope.
But around the same time,
We got on a call in the middle of the night and he showed me the not-yet ready product @twiftxyz
I was impressed. The best part the DMs will go through my account and not through the company's account (SuperDMs send messages from their company account)
Few iterations and it was ready.
I wanted people to feel that personal touch. It’s different energy altogether when the person DMs you over a company account DMing you.
We gave it a test run with one of my other tweets with 80 replies and around 70 DMs were sent (A few things went wrong but he figured them out)
I quickly created ColdEmail101.com over the weekend and got the message ready to send.
We got the big guns out. 1.7k people. Here we go.
We sent out DMs to over 1000 people. Lots of people had their DMs closed and then there are lots of Twitter restrictions.
But I considered it a success.
I thanked him and I accepted his offer on helping him on this project. I became an equal partner.
For the last couple of months, I’ve been working on this project. One brick at a time.
I invite you to check it out and anyone who signups with this link 👇 get early access with a few DM credits.
Go ahead, give it a shot and let us know what do you think. Feedback and advice are always appreciated.
I’m a big fan of DMs not just to send free products and giveaways but also just to check in with people more often.
Here are a few examples of how I leveraged this tool:
I knew I would build lots of products this year, so why not create an early access list 👇 (1.5k replies)
I was personally going through a lot. I just wanted to check in with my people.
This was the DM I sent to around 200 people 👇
I had this crazy idea and thought if this gets enough requests then I’ll create the product (824 replies) started working on it already. Might launch this next month
We’ll be doing the Twift launch in the first week of March. I realised I need more feedback and connections with people in the Product Hunt community.
(159 people replied) Lots of them even agreed to DM them when we launch.This was yesterday 👇 The war had disturbed me a lot and I knew there would be more people like me. So I put this out. (233 people replied)
One of the things about me is that I commit first and then get it done.
So last night, in the pursuit of creating something that will help lighten my people’s mood… I created a notion page full of happy things and called it The Happiness Library. Here you can check it out too.
The response was absolutely amazing ❤️ It made my week.
It feels amazing to start building something again. It’s been a long time since I collaborated with someone.
This Kunal guy is just 16 and studying 11th grade. He got exams coming next week and I’m not letting him study at all 😂 (Sorry Kunal)
Anyway, I’m glad I found my energy again. The only way is up now.
10 Interesting things for you 🙌
1. Why Don’t We Use the Math We Learn in School?
2. Something from my Twitter👇

3. Web3isgoinggreat.com (I’m a supporter of Web3 and as creator and an educator it’s my job to share things that also shows the other side of the coin)
Web3isgoinggreat.com is a website detailing all of the failed crypto/NFTs/web3 ventures to date.
4. Some amazing conversations on various topics happened here 👇

5. Rabbit hole of the week:- learn-anything.xyz/philosophy
6. Question of the week:-

7. Picture of the week:-
8. Current read: Didn’t read much this week. Probably 10-15 pages of Numbers Don’t lie. Launching a product this week 🚀
9. Meme of the week:- What was his name again? damn.
Also, I wrote about this before, read how to remember names
10. Quote of the week:
"If You Know How Quickly People Forget the Dead, You'll Stop Living to Impress People" — Christopher Walken
(Tweet this quote)“You, he said, are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world, and that, I believe, is why you are in so much pain” - E. Autumn
(Tweet this quote)"Read the books they don't want you to." - LeVar Burton
(Tweet this quote)
Check out some previous newsletters:
Diderot Effect (Read)
Life’s lines of Closeness (Read)
Cathedral Thinkers (Read)
Join in if you want me to trigger your curiosity every week👇
Personal Announcement 🚨
I was working on Twift last Wednesday and couldn’t send this newsletter.
We were planning to launch this weekend but couldn’t because we had a few pending works left plus the war and stuff. Lots of things happened this week.
From next week you’ll get the newsletter every Wednesday haha.
Happy weekend y’all ❤️
In This Together,
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