In this week’s newsletter:
Hi 👋 Prado here
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Every Friday, I publish one essay & 10 interesting things that will help you become healthy, wealthy and wise 👇
Essay of the week
Two bold web3 predictions
Prediction 1: What replaces what.

I know this is a bold prediction but I somebody gotta make them.
Decentralised Finance is trying to replace banks. Maybe they will replace them or eventually become another banks.
This is a loop, crypto is trying to break. (read more)
NFTs won’t just replace subscriptions but also pioneer new ways and disrupt more industries. (read more)
Communities are already becoming a social media.
Web2 Social media - Connect people.
Web3 Social Media - Connect Like-minded people.
Virtual Reality will replace entertainment. (This video was posted 5 years ago)
Token investing in crypto, DAOs, NFTs will eventually replace Stock markets. Maybe not now but sometime in the next 100 years.
Decentralised organisation will definitely replace centralised orgs. Eventually everyone will become a part of a DAO (Writing more on it soon)
DAOs bring us to my next prediciton.
Prediction 2: Death of Innovation
If all these predictions go right then
What do I mean by this?
Complete decentralisation will slow down everything. The biggest hit would be innovation. And most humans don't understand that humans need faster innovation to survive.
Example: Steve Jobs.
Steve jobs was not a kind boss. He was a visionary and he made sure people get the work done.
If he was a part of some DAO and waited for everyone’s approval then legendary products like iPod, iPhone wouldn’t have been invented.
He probably would have been fired.
This is also a problem in DAOs.
When we were in school, teacher used to give us groups and make us do projects.
In the group there is always
- one guy who acts like he is leading the project,
- one guy bringing things in,
- one guy planning things out,
- one guy is just here to be a part of the group
but the work is done and action is taken by a completely different person. He takes all the decision and gets his hands dirty.
Complete freedom is necessary to innovate.
What do you guys think?
10 Interesting things for you 🙌
1. AI that creates any picture you want, explained (Video)
2. Something from my Twitter👇
3. Know your worth in Web3 (Link1 | Link2)
4. Killer feature of pen and paper is boredom (Blog)
5. Interesting video of the week:- Rare Impressive Art
6. Question of the week:- This is one of the questions I ask lots of people. It always take them by surprise.
7. Picture of the week:- Damn, that’s deep.
8. Current read: I’ve given a contest on my Twitter. So I’m not revealing my answer hahah.

9. Meme of the week:- sex-to-earn hmmm.
10. Quote of the week:
"A government that is allowed to break the law during an emergency will create an emergency to break the law"
(Tweet this quote)Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. H. Jackson Brown Jr.
(Tweet this quote)“Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.” -- Thomas Sowell
(Tweet this quote)
Check out some previous newsletters:
Diderot Effect (Read)
Life’s lines of Closeness (Read)
Cathedral Thinkers (Read)
Join in if you want me to trigger your curiosity every week👇
Personal Announcement 🚨
Working on multiple projects. Might start something new next week.
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